How Often Should I See My GP? | Advanced Health Medical | Bankstown

How often should I see my GP?

  • February 14, 2022
  • General Practitioner
  • Medical Centre

How often should I see my GP?

On average, Australians see their GPs about 5.6 times a year. Not every Australian visit the same number though; about a third of all Aussies visit the GP six or more times a year, and more than one in ten visits 12 times a year or more[1].

It’s important to see your GP regularly, but how often you should visit depends on your age, overall health, lifestyle, and a host of other factors.

How do I know I need to visit my GP?

If your health isn’t at its best but doesn’t warrant an emergency room visit, see your GP. They can help you triage and access other health services if needed.

See your GP if:

  • If you feel unwell but aren’t experiencing a health emergency
  • If you have not visited in many years (especially if you are over age 50)
  • If you are starting or finishing a course of treatment
  • If another medical professional recommends a visit
  • If you need a routine test (such as cervical screening or a blood test)

If in doubt about your health, you can always see your GP for advice. Your doctor can let you know what action to take.

Should I see my GP even if I don’t feel like anything is wrong?

If you’re aged between 18 and 45, you can visit your GP less often if you don’t have health concerns. If you are in good health, you may even be able to go several years without visiting one.

If you’re aged over 45, it’s best to see a GP at least yearly regardless of how healthy you feel. This is because your risk of developing certain health conditions. Regular tests done by your GP can detect them they are still easily managed.

These tests include:

  • Heart disease risks assessment
  • Skin cancer checks
  • Bowel cancer checks
  • Blood pressure checks
  • Osteoporosis risk assessments
  • Blood glucose, cholesterol, and lipids tests

Other tests – mammograms, hearing tests, eye tests and others – are also important as you get older but aren’t usually provided by your GP. Instead, your GP can let you know where to get them done and provide a referral if needed.

If you suffer from a chronic condition or have a high likelihood of developing certain conditions, you may need to visit more than once a year even if nothing feels wrong. Your GP or a specialist can tell you how often: if you aren’t sure, don’t be afraid to ask.

How often is too often to visit my GP?

Visit your GP as often as it takes to feel seen, heard, and cared for. Depending on your health and age, this might be very rarely or many times a year. There is no limit to the number of times you can visit, especially with bulk-billing GPs available that are covered by Medicare.

Seeing your GP regularly also helps you build a good relationship. This lets you feel more comfortable discussing your health concerns, which can lead to better treatment and health overall. If you have questions about your health, it’s always ok to visit a GP.

Advanced Health Medical Centre has many bulk-billing GPs available in Bankstown. This means you can always access a doctor who understands your needs and can help you stay healthy.

Do I have to see the same GP all the time?

There is no rule that you have to see the same GP every time. While it’s good to build a rapport with one doctor, you can always see another doctor if they are unavailable.

You can also visit several different GPs to find one that you feel comfortable with. You are always entitled to a second opinion on your health.

Are all GPs the same?

All GPs are qualified to assess your health, prescribe some treatments, and refer you to a specialist when needed. However, some GPs gain extra qualifications that let them specialise in certain areas.

For example, some of our doctors have certificates in child health, skin cancer treatment, and other areas. If you would like to see one of them specifically, you can book an appointment through HotDoc.

Others have special interests in some areas of health. While they may not have a qualification in the area, they have devoted extra time to learning how to treat these conditions as well as they can. Men’s health, women’s health, and diabetes management are common areas for this.

Many of our GPs also speak multiple languages. This means they can provide care to people from a range of language and cultural backgrounds. We also have male and female GPs available to service any healthcare needs in Bankstown.

Located in the heart of Sydney, Advanced Health Medical Centre is a modern medical clinic with highly sought-after GPs to suit every medical need. You can book an appointment online or call our clinic on 02 8123 0183 to see a doctor who can help.

[1] Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2015

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