Men’s Health | Advanced Health Medical Centre | Bankstown

Annual Men’s Health Check


Aged 45 years+

As men reach their 40s, it becomes increasingly important that they prioritise their health. Ignoring potential health issues can lead to more serious problems down the road. Our comprehensive men’s health services help you take control of your well-being and enjoy a long and fulfilling life.

At What Age Do Men Start Having Health Problems?

As men enter their mid-40s and beyond, they often find themselves facing a myriad of health concerns that come with aging. Around this age, there is increased risk of developing various health problems including:

  • high blood pressure,
  • elevated cholesterol levels,
  • diabetes,
  • prostate concerns,
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • mental health issues, including stress, anxiety, and depression,

It’s during these years that regular men’s health assessments with your GP become particularly important in order to detect and address potential issues early, and find support.

Man up about your health..

Take our quick poll about men's health, and see how you compare.

"*" indicates required fields

In the last 12 months, have you:

Had your blood sugar checked?*
Had your cholesterol checked?*
Had your skin checked?*
Had your blood pressure checked?*
Spoken to your doctor about your prostate?*
Relationship Status*

What is involved in a men's health check?

It is recommended that men over 45  receive an annual health check-up for men to gain a big-picture view of your health. The male GPs at Advanced Health Medical Centre in Bankstown believe in tailored healthcare and offer a range of comprehensive men’s health screenings and tests designed to address specific concerns, manage risks, and promote your overall well-being. Learn more about our men’s health services, how often these checks should be performed, and their Medicare coverage below.

We’re Here to Support You

We understand the health concerns that men face, especially as they age. Our dedicated team of local male GPs in our Bankstown men’s health clinic are here to support you every step of the way on your health journey. We recognise the importance of proactive healthcare, and we are committed to providing comprehensive, personalised, and compassionate services tailored to your specific needs.

If you have any questions or concerns about your health, please don’t hesitate to reach out to a doctor in our Bankstown location. Schedule an appointment today, and let’s work together to prioritise your health and enhance your overall quality of life.

Advanced Health Medical & Dental Centre is a Medicare CDBS provider, and accepts all major health funds:

Advanced Health Bankstown
Advanced Health Medical Centre

Supportive and comprehensive medical care in Bankstown

Advanced Health Medical Centre is a multi-disciplinary medical centre offering a wide range of health services. Our Bankstown doctors are welcoming new patients via online booking as well as walk-ins. Our practice is located on the ground floor of Bankstown’s state of the art Flinders Centre, adjacent to the Bankstown Sports Club.

As well as the Bankstown GP clinic, Advanced Health Medical Centre boasts a full dental clinicpathologyradiologypharmacyphysiotherapyallied health and specialist services.

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